
A portion of my journey in 2015 was to trace out my family tree and travel to the countries which my families are from. I visited where we lived, left, and where cousins still live. I hope one day to take the time to tell the full stories of the different research processes, each having been quite incredible in themselves. For now, this page will include links to the experiences of visiting the countries.


Surname: Mackay, Country: Scotland, Year of Departure: 1849

My 3rd great grandparents left Tongue in 1849. All their siblings remained. My 2nd great grandfather was born in Tongue and was eight years old when the family left.  Some of my cousins in the U.S. did some genealogy research more than 20 years ago but were not able to make a connection with relatives still in Scotland. After acquiring the work that was previously done, I moved forward and in May discovered our cousins still living here. It has been 166 years since my ancestors left until now in 2015 that the U.S. side of the family has reconnected with the family still here.

13: Mackay Country 

15: Onward To The Capital And Falkirk Wheel 

20: More Of Beautiful Scotland 


More to come....

Surname: X, Country: Y, Year of Departure: Z